Campus Life A community to support the life you want to lead.
Find the 2024-2025 Student Handbook
You Belong Here
What makes UD special is you. As a small school with a deeply engaged and diverse community, your ideas, passions, and questions are important and valued. Here you'll find a welcoming atmosphere where people are excited to participate in everything UD offers, in the classroom and beyond.
16countries are represented by our diverse student body
30intramural sports teams for friendly competition
24NCAA Division-III teams to fire up your Spartan spirit
Call the Smeltzer-Kelly Student Health Center at 563.589.3360 for counseling support.
Our Community Values
Our commitment to the Christian faith drives the following principles and responsibilities that guide personal and community actions.
We value honesty and truthfulness in every aspect of campus life.
Worth of the Individual
We value the intrinsic worth of every individual in our community and seek to honor different opinions, attitudes, backgrounds, and beliefs.
We value intellectual, spiritual, and moral development and recognize the need for personal responsibility and responsible self-expression as we seek to become lifelong learners and be of service to the community.
Respect for Community Authority
We value our freedom, but we understand the need to exercise that freedom responsibly within the guidelines set forth by this community.
Respect for Property and Stewardship of the Campus Environment
We value the privilege of living together and understand that our responsibility as stewards of the community requires acting in ways that respect the property of others, the environment, and the future of this University.

A world of opportunity awaits
We’ll help you prepare for what’s next with focused career guidance, counseling, and skill-building.
Career Services
Faith, worship, and you
Join a vibrant community where we celebrate and share all that God offers us.
Campus Ministry
Shaping character for lives of purpose
Engage in a spirited, campus-wide effort to foster character and encourage integrity, justice, and compassion in everything we do.