Graduation Information
The information on this page is for students regarding requirements for graduation. Please view our other page for information about Commencement.
Application for Degree
A student intending to graduate from the University must apply for their degree by submitting a completed Graduation Application form according to the application deadlines.
Application deadlines are as follows:
- For December graduates - March 15
- For Spring and Summer graduates - October 1
All Graduation Application forms are available in under the Students tab
Important Policy Reminders
- Students currently enrolled at the University of Dubuque who wish to pursue two undergraduate degrees simultaneously (e.g. BBA in Business, BS in CIT) must satisfy the program requirements for both degrees as well as completion of a minimum of 150 credit hours.
- At least 12 credits in the major must be completed at the University of Dubuque, although some majors may require more.
- For the completion of a degree, students must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (a C average) for all credits taken at the University of Dubuque and for all credits required for the chosen academic major/minor, unless a specific major/minor requires a higher GPA for credits within that major/minor. See department listings for details specific to the major.
- No more than 6 of the final 36 credits prior to degree completion may be taken outside of the University of Dubuque.
- PLEASE NOTE: Once you have submitted your graduation application, all follow-up communication and commencement information will be sent to your UD email address. Please check your email regularly for any updates.

Commencement Participation Policy
Spring Participation Policy
Commencement: April 26, 2025
Students in any one of the following categories may participate in the May commencement ceremony:
- Students who successfully complete all scheduled classes for spring term and have completed all degree requirements at the conclusion of the spring term
- Students who expect to graduate at the end of the summer term
- Students who have previously completed all degree requirements and did not participate in the Winter ceremony or any other previous ceremony
- Students who are of Senior standing
Winter Participation Policy
Commencement: Thursday, December 11, 2025
Students in any one of the following categories may participate in the Winter commencement ceremony:
- Students who successfully complete all scheduled classes for fall term and have completed all degree requirements at the conclusion of the fall term
- Students who have previously completed all degree requirements and did not participate in the Spring ceremony or any other previous ceremony
- Students who are of Senior standing
Graduation Honors
Scholastic honors awarded at graduation for bachelor degrees are cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. Such honors are based on the UD cumulative grade point average:
- Cum laude is awarded to those who earn a cumulative average of at least 3.50
- Magna cum laude at least 3.75
- Summa cum laude at least 3.90
For Spring and Summer graduates, announced honors at the commencement ceremony will be based on the Fall semester UD cumulative GPA. Official final honors, which are recorded on your academic transcript, will be based on your UD cumulative GPA after the final grades for fall, spring or summer term have been calculated. Honor cords will be distributed at the line-up for the commencement ceremony.
Change in Degree Requirements
A graduating student may choose the academic requirements of a catalog for ten years following the last year printed on the catalog cover, provided the student was enrolled at the University during the time of that catalog. For example, a student attending the University during 2010 may follow the provisions of the 2010-11 catalog through August of 2020. If the student remains enrolled for a term in 2014, the student may elect to follow the 2014-15 catalog in place of a previous edition and will have until August of 2024 to follow the provisions of that catalog. If a student re-enrolls after a ten-year absence, the student must follow the provisions of the catalog current at the time of readmission.