"As a community, the University practices its Christian commitments by educating students, pursuing excellence in scholarship, challenging students to live lives of worth and purpose, and preparing students for service to the church and the world." - University of Dubuque Mission
The Office of Academic Affairs coordinates the work of faculty and staff in accomplishing the University's educational mission.
This coordination occurs in four major areas:
- Academic departments and programs, including faculty, courses, and degree requirements.
- Academic resources, including the Charles C. Myers Library and Moodle (UDOnline), our digital learning management system.
- Student academic support services, including the Academic Success Center, Bridge Program, and Academic Advising Center.
- Academic administration, including the Registrar's office.
The educational journey is not traveled alone. Faculty members offer the knowledge and experience that guides your learning. Staff members encourage your development as a whole person. Fellow students bring a diversity of experiences that will inform and inspire you in college and beyond. This is a journey of discipline and hard work, but one that is full of rewards as well. If we can contribute to your educational journey, let us know. Stop by our offices on the first floor of Severance Hall or email us. We are eager to help.
Academic Affairs Staff

Debra StorkInterim Vice President for Academic Affairs
Phone: 563.589.3523 Email: DStork@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs Office: 104A Severance Hall
- PhD, University of Wyoming
- MA, University of Northern Iowa
- BA, University of Northern Iowa
Dr. Stork joined the University in 2006. She was named Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs in July 2024. She earned a BA in Biology from the University of Northern Iowa, an MA in Science Education from the University of Northern Iowa, and a PhD in Education from the University of Wyoming. Debra served as the Head of the Teacher Education Department at UD for eight years and was recently the Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning.

Ricardo CunninghamDean for Graduate and Adult Studies
Phone: 563.589.3728 Email: RCunningham@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs Office: 115B Severance Hall
- DBA, Anderson University
- MBA, Indiana Wesleyan University
- BA, Anderson University.
Dr. Cunningham joined the University in 2006 and oversees graduate and adult programs. He taught and was department head of the Business program at the University before assuming his administrative role in 2021. He earned a BA in Marketing from Anderson University, an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan and a DBA in Management from Anderson University. Ricardo serves on several non-profit boards in the Dubuque community.

Joseph GreenDean for Traditional Undergraduate Studies
Phone: 563.589.3570 Fax: 563.589.3416 Email: JGreen@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs Office: 115A Severance Hall
- PhD, University of Missouri
- MA, Truman State University
- BA, Truman State University
Dr. Green joined the University in 2013 and is responsible for coordinating the traditional undergraduate academic programs. He earned a B.A. and an M.A. in English from Truman State University, and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Missouri.

Melissa GunnelsonAssociate Dean of Graduate & Transfer Admission
Phone: 563.589.3664 Email: MGunnelson@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs Office: 115D Severance Hall
- MAC, University of Dubuque
- BA, University of Dubuque
Ms. Gunnelson joined the University in 1996 and serves as associate dean of graduate and transfer admission. She earned her BA in English and Psychology and Master of Arts in Communication from the University of Dubuque. She and her husband Chad (C'13; M'19/'21) reside in Dubuque and have three children, Taylor (C'21), Evan (C'22) and Dash.

Ann KendellExecutive Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Phone: 563.589.3206 Email: AKendell@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs Office: 104 Severance Hall
- MBA, University of Dubuque
- BS, Iowa State University
Ms. Kendell joined the University in 2005 and provides administrative support for the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Academic Affairs office and college faculty. She earned a BS in Animal Ecology from Iowa State University and an MBA from the University of Dubuque. She and her husband, David, are the parents of three adult children, including one who is a UD alum.
Yara LopezDirector of Advising
Phone: 563.589.3724 Email: YLopez@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs Office: 226B Severance Hall

Christina StringerAcademic Affairs Coordinator
Phone: 563.589.3246 Email: CStringer@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs Office: 115C Severance Hall
- BA, Oakland University
Ms. Stringer joined the University in 2017 and provides administrative support to the Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Dean for Graduate and Adult Studies as well as providing support for EvaluationKIT, UD's faculty course evaluation system. She earned a BA in English from Oakland University. She and her husband, Brian, are parents to one daughter, Katie.

Mark WardVice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty Emeritus
Email: MWard@dbq.edu Department: Academic Affairs
- PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago
- MBA, University of Denver
- MA, Calvin College
Dr. Ward joined the University in 2010. In July 2024, Ward was named Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty Emeritus. He earned a BA in Business and Economics from Calvin College, an MBA from the University of Denver, and a PhD in Business from the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research centers on work values and beliefs. He and his wife, Annalee, have two adult children and five grandchildren.