Monday through Friday in the CRWC Fitness Studio & Courts and Alumni Hall. There will be various classes offered.

There is open registration for all classes - meaning you are able to attend as often as you wish. A valid and updated University of Dubuque identification card is needed in order to be given access to the facility.

High Intensity Interval Training:

30 minute videos with UD's Britney Baker, Exercise Science & Wellness major

High Intensity Interval Training

Workout #1 || Workout #2 || Workout #3 || Workout #4 

Fitness Fun
Monday - 11:15 a.m.
A mix of weight-bearing exercises, muscular endurance, cardiovascular strength, and functional movements using a variety of fitness trends.


Tuesday - 12:15 p.m.
Alumni Hall
Classes will include building strength in the core, balance in the body, as well as increasing flexibility and range of motion. Calm your mind, feel alive and revived.

Faculty Fitness
Wednesday - 5:30 p.m.
This class is designed to increase physical strength through weight-bearing and resistance exercise. All major muscle groups are worked from head to toe.