Intramural sports are a great opportunity to meet people, exercise, and engage in some competition, all in a welcoming environment. Find a range of activities open to people of all skills and abilities with options to be played at recreational or competitive levels.

Sign up and get playing

The Intramural Sports Program is open to all University of Dubuque students, faculty, and staff. Individual and team registration is managed and administrated by IMLeagues. If you would like to sign up for a sport but do not have a team, you may choose to register as a free agent.

How to Register

  1. First time participants should log onto and create an account.
  2. If you have already set up your account, skip this step and go directly to the school home page for University of Dubuque.
  3. Click on your sport's icon or join a team.
  4. Select the day and time of the league for which you wish to register.
  5. Select "Create a Team" or "Join a Team."
  6. Complete the necessary information and agree to UD's terms and conditions.
  7. Click on "Submit." Once your information is processed, you'll be automatically directed to your team's homepage.
  8. From the team homepage, add participants to the roster (players must have a profile in order to be added to a roster).
  9. IMLeagues will generate and post your team's schedule after the registration deadline passes.


Register online during registration period.

Fall 2024

IM Sport Registration Begins Registration Deadline Games Begin
M, W, Co-Rec Ping Pong (One Day) August 21 September 3 Sept. 3
M, W Corn Hole August 21 September 5 Sept. 5
Co-Rec Ultimate Frisbee August 26 September 6 Sept. 9
M, Co-Rec Flag Football August 26 September 6 Sept. 11
Golf (One Day) September 2 September 16 Sept. 16
Co-Rec Indoor Soccer September 30 October 11 Oct. 14
Bowling October 7 October 18 Oct. 21
Co-Rec Floor Hockey October 14 October 25 Oct. 28
Co-Rec Volleyball October 21 November 1 Nov. 24

C = Co-Rec
M = Men's
W = Women's

Intramural Sports Contact

Jose Reinoso

Jose ReinosoAssistant Director of Rec/Wellness; Coordinator of Intramural Sports

Phone: 563.589.3845 Department: Athletics Office: 207 Chlapaty Recreation & Wellness Center

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