The Women's Studies minor prepares students to deal with interpersonal relationships in any job. As women are increasingly participating in the public work force, an educated sensitivity of women's concerns is desirable, especially in management positions. Many governmental policy programs are also addressed to women and children: child support programs, battered women programs, labor studies, marriage counseling, and government-sponsored research on women's issues. Women's studies will also enrich human understanding and contribute to the shaping of culture in the work place, market place, and in the home.
Curriculum Requirements:
The Women's Studies minor consists of 21 credits.
Required Sociology Core Courses (15 credits):
- SOC 111: Introduction to Sociology (3)
- SOC 112: Contemporary Social Problems (3)
- SOC 202: Inequalities of Race, Class, and Gender (3)
- SOC 210: Kinship (3)
- SOC 218: Women and Men in Contemporary Society (3)
Electives (6 credits) - selected in consultation with the department head