Wendt Character Scholars form a community committed to Wendt Character Initiative programming, community service, and practicing excellent character.

Read what current and past Scholars had to say about their experience:

Makenzie Knapp - Scholars Community 

"The culture that Wendt creates around providing service is one that I will keep with me in the next steps of my life. It always feels like a safe space to share with one another."

-- Scholar Makenzie Knapp, 2021-2024

Noah Forcier - Scholars Community

"I want to be remembered as a kind and compassionate person. I also want to show others that it is okay to step outside of your comfort zone."

-- Scholar Noah Forcier, 2020-2023

Nafaria McMillian - Scholars Community 

"The most important thing that I will carry on with me in my life will be putting others' wants and needs before mine. Helping others always sits well on the heart and humbles me."

-- Scholar Nafaria McMillian, 2020-2022

Isaiah Williams

"This program opens the eyes of the people who are blind by their own isolated experiences."

-- Scholar Isaiah Williams, 2018-2021

Carissa Brown

"I have come to understand the depths behind being a person of compassion, justice, integrity. That in order to be a person of these characteristics it takes effort and drive to actively be truthful, honest, respectful, a follower of the golden rule, and even more."

-- Scholar Carissa Brown, 2018-2021

Mia Bruty 

"One of the biggest ways I have been impacted by Wendt is that it has taught me the importance of community and service."

-- Scholar Mia Bruty, 2017-2020

"The Wendt program instills me with compassion for others and respect for myself."

-- Scholar Alyson Harner, 2014-2017

"I have learned about my relationship with God, and the importance of giving instead of taking."

-- Scholar Jacob Alstadt, 2014-2017

"I love being a part of the Wendt community . . . I feel like we are our own little family on campus, and try to spread that feeling throughout the campus to others."

-- Scholar Logan Butson, 2014-2017

"This community enables us to have deep and intellectual conversations. In this environment we are challenged to learn from our differences and overcome any distraction or obstacle in order to grow as a person and develop our characters."

-- Scholar Daniel Morillo, 2014-2016

"...being a Wendt Character Scholar has allotted me the opportunity to both witness and be a part of a group that would like to see real change take place on our campus, in our community, and in the world."

-- Scholar Reggie Cole, Jr., 2013-2016