Shaping Character for Lives of Purpose Wendt Character Initiative
Learn More About the Wendt Center

Wendt Podcasts
Check out our recent episodes on civic virtues and what it means to be a good citizen. Other episodes cover articles published in our journal as well as current events involving questions of character. To listen, visit our publications page or search for Character Explorations on your favorite podcast app.

Wendt Journals
Each issue explores dimensions of moral character around a topic through various disciplinary lenses. Be sure to check out our latest issue, Character and . . . Inevitability!
Character and ... JournalCharacter is about excellence as a whole human being in every aspect of one's life. It is about striving to be the best person one can be - being all God created us to be. Our goal is to be excellent persons:
- People of integrity whose lives are characterized by truthfulness, honesty, and stewardship;
- People of justice who treat all people fairly, respect differences, and practice Christian love;
- People of compassion who live by the Golden Rule in service of others.
The Wendt Character Initiative seeks to promote a culture of excellent moral character.
Watch the video below for an glimpse of the Wendt Character Scholars Program over its first 20 years or read about the Wendt Character Initiative's 20th anniversary in this article. Read our Winter 2024-25 Newsletter for a look at what's been happening lately.