Event Reservation Request

Please be advised that your event is not considered confirmed until all aspects are approved by the Director of Scheduling and Events Planning. The Office of Scheduling and Events Planning reserves the right to place your event in the most appropriate space.

By submitting this request you are expressly agreeing to the following:

  1. This is just an application and submission does not guarantee rooms for facilities will be available.
  2. You are not free to finalize arrangements or issue invitations for the event until final approval has been provided by the Office of Scheduling and Events Planning.

A copy of the completed form and any subsequent modifications and approvals will be emailed to the email address which you provided below.

Please be patient after hitting the submit button. It takes a moment for the form to be submitted.

Questions: Contact Director of Scheduling and Events Taryn Kafer at 563.589.3868 or TKafer@dbq.edu