Spartans of UD - Monica Nickels
By University Relations Staff
Spartans of UD highlights what makes the University of Dubuque special - the people.
Monica Nickels, of Freeport, Illinois, is a sophomore human health science major. She is in her first year as a resident assistant in Cassat Hall and serves as a leader, helper, and resource person for students on her floor. Nickels is also on the cheer and stunt team and a tutor with the Academic Success Center.
What inspired you to become a resident assistant?
"My RA my freshman year."
What do you enjoy most about being a resident assistant?
"I enjoy being in a first-year hall and creating a welcoming environment for the freshman."
What life lessons have you learned so far from your time as a resident assistant?
"Everyone is human."
How do you balance your responsibilities as a resident assistant with your academics?
"I try and plan things as far out in advance as possible!"
In your opinion, what makes the University of Dubuque unique?
"The number of resources we have for students."