Men's Golf Tee's Off at A-R-C Championships on Friday

Apr 25, 2019

DUBUQUE, Iowa – The University of Dubuque men’s golf team tees off the first and second rounds of the American Rivers Conference Championships on Friday April 25th and Saturday April 26th.

The first weekend of the action will be played at Finkbine Golf Course in Iowa City, Iowa with the first wave of players teeing off at 9:00 a.m. The first Spartan to tee off will be Kane Hyde at 10:40 a.m. and every ten minutes following, another Spartan will get their round going.

Following Hyde will be Garvin Paper (10:50), Peyton Keeffer (11:00), Jordan Elliot (11:10) and Brady Ellis (11:20).Each Spartan will be paired up with a golfer from Nebraska Wesleyan and Central

The Spartan men are looking for the program’s fifth conference championship and it’s first since 2014.

Live scoring will be available for round one and two here: 

The final two rounds of the championships will be played on May 3rd-4th at the Hillcrest Country Club in Lincoln, Neb.