Spartans Travel to Reno for UCS Pole Vault Summit

Jan 15, 2013 | UD Sports Info

RENO, Nev. - The University of Dubuque's vault coach Peter Dvorak will be attending the 2013 UCS National Pole Summit in Reno, Nev. on Jan. 17-19 with student-athletes: Brenda Breimon, Kashden Nelson, and Ben Clark. Dvorak will be speaking to attendees and the student athletes will be competing on Saturday, Jan. 19 beginning at 8:30 a.m. 

The National Pole Vault Summit is a grassroots developmental clinic established and continued to promote safety and encourage the advancement of Pole Vaulting at all levels through constant education the past 22 years. The Summit structure is designed to meet the needs of all ability levels including athlete, coaches, and parent break-out sessions, learn-by-doing instruction and roundtable discussion with the worlds best athletes and coaches. Led by National and Regional Staff influenced by National Mens and Womens Pole Vault Developmental chairmen, each year we compile the most experienced and extensive staff to bring a truly unique experience for our attendees. 

The Athletes, Coaches, and Parents are divided into the following categories: Beginners - High School - College - Open - Masters - Coaches - Parents. By taking a grass roots approach to the conceptual development of safe, modern pole vaulting; the activities, drills, and participation groups are specifically set up for all beginner and high school athletes according to their ability level. Lectures and breakout sessions promote and encourage discussions specifically for college, open and masters athletes; coaches, as well as separate sessions specific for parents. The new classroom / conversational style setting has proven to be a more direct environment to ask questions, and cover the topics / information that you are looking for! Coaches and athletes of all levels have something to gain from this unique structure and unparalleled access.